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Heart of the Salish Sea Workshop

August 31, 9am-11:30AM

San Juan and Gulf Islands Grade 4-6 teachers, Indigenous Knowledge Keepers, and Marine Science Educators and Scientists,

We invite you to join us at the (virtual) table to learn how to implement place- and project-based environmental science with standards-aligned Explore the Salish Sea curriculum.

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The Explore the Salish Sea curriculum is based on Nautilus Award-winning book, Explore the Salish Sea: A Nature Guide for Kids.

Learn to put science to work alongside your students as you explore and discover clues to estuary mysteries and problems, guided by Salish Sea experts along the way.

If science is repeatable, systematic observations over time, the Coast Salish peoples holding 10,000 years of data, are the first scientists in this place. Working together with modern science and ancient knowledge can repair mistakes made with the sea we share. Let’s teach our kids to seek out solutions and believe in their power to help heal the sea by doing so. We all depend on the sea. We’re in it together.

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Please fill in the web form below. You will receive a confirmation email within a few days of completing your registration.

If you have any questions, contact our Education Coordinator, Mira, at 

Workshop Goals

  1. Learn how to implement standards-aligned, Salish Sea-based Science lessons by example from phenomenon to application of new information for ecosystem conservation

  2. Break down barriers to teaching authentic Environmental Science, such as lack of expertise, time, and resources, and peer-support.

  3. Build relationships with local classroom teachers and estuary experts, offering classroom visits, field trips, and stewardship opportunities that matter to your community.

  4. Begin planning the path to your students’ Salish Sea Heroes project


August 31, 2021 9:00 am-11:30 am

9:00 - 9:15 - Join the Zoom meeting and enjoy Salish Sea Wild footage

9:15 - Welcome, Workshop Opening - Rosie Cayou James, Samish Indian Nation: Honoring the historical homelands of the Esquimalt, Songhees, Scia'new, T'Sou-ke, Tsawout, Tsartlip, Tseycum, and Pauquachin First Nations and Lhaq’temish, Semiahmoo, Samish, Lower Skagit, Kikialis, and Snohomish Tribes.

9:20 - The value in Traditional Ecological Knowledge and science working together - Marco Hatch, WWU

9:30 - Introduction to SeaDoc Society, Explore the Salish Sea, and workshop goals - Leigh Ann Gilmer, Regional Director, SeaDoc Society and Jess Newley, SeaDoc Board and Education Advisory Committee member

9:35 - Explore the Salish Sea Curriculum overview, sample lesson, resource tour, and Junior SeaDoctors online club - Mira Lutz Castle, Education Coordinator, SeaDoc Society

10:10 - What makes a Salish Sea Hero?

10:15 - Community Partnerships, partner introductions and potential projects

10:40 Partnership building break-out sessions

  • Identify 3 main estuary/nearshore issues in your community

  • Select 1-3 relevant research projects

  • Discuss 1 Salish Sea Heroes project, create a skeletal plan and timeline

11:25 - Workshop evaluations, Thanks

11:30 - 11:45 Extended Q&A-optional



SeaDoc Society’s Education Coordinator, Mira Lutz Castle, M.S., comes from fourteen years in K-12 Science teaching and NGSS-aligned curriculum-development in the Anacortes School District, four years of Biology and Environmental Science laboratory instruction and Public Education Program development for Western Washington University (WWU), two years of public education as an Interpretive Ranger for Washington State Parks, and thirteen years guiding naturalist kayak tours with AKT in the San Juan Islands.

Mira earned her Bachelor of Science in Biology with a Marine Emphasis, Teaching Certification, and Master of Science in Marine and Estuarine Science at WWU. She’s passionate about all things estuarine, an avid Scientific Diver and loves to play outside with her family from the snow caps to the white caps of the Salish Sea watershed.


We give thanks to the Orcas Island Community Foundation and Mitsubishi Corporation for their belief in our education goals and for their generosity in sponsoring class sets of books, Salish Sea Heroes project supplies, and SeaDoc Workshops, including this one. Together we are Team SeaDoc and together we can heal the sea.

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Want to help host a workshop?

Until it is safe to meet in person, we will be holding workshops virtually for specific regions throughout 2021 in Washington and BC. Would you like co-host? Contact Mira at

Workshop links

Click here to join the Zoom meeting between 9 and 9:15 Find the pass code in your email.


Junior SeaDoctors and Explore the Salish Sea Curriculum

Explore the Salish Sea A Nature Guide for Kids book

Explore the Salish Sea online teacher training

Heart of the Salish Sea Community Partnership sign-up and contacts

2.5 hours STEM Clock Hour sign-in form (for classroom teachers)

NEW: Zoom recording of the workshop

Have you completed your workshop survey? Win a prize! (first 12 win notebook in image below)
