Written by SeaDoc Society Science Director Joe Gaydos and Board member, Audrey Benedict.
If you have any questions, contact our Education Coordinator, Mira Lutz Castle, at mdlutz@ucdavis.edu.
Workshop links
Pre-workshop Survey
You are invited to an interactive educator workshop to support our common goal of ocean literacy and Salish Sea stewardship in the next generation. Participants who sign up by October 20th will receive a copy of our Nautilus Award-winning book, Explore the Salish Sea, before the workshop.
Conway students working with Samish Tribal scientists and volunteers to assess effects of beach restoration on nearshore fish. The culmination of this curriculum is helping to lead an environmental improvement project and becoming Salish Sea Heroes.
In this workshop, you will…
Receive hands-on, standards-aligned Salish Sea-based lesson plans for your grade 4-8 students, based on the best-selling book, Explore the Salish Sea: A Nature Guide for Kids
Receive a free copy of Explore the Salish Sea, A Nature Guide for Kids for yourself and free class sets of the new Explore the Salish Sea books for 4th - 8th classes in low-income schools.
Learn how to connect with nearby marine science and stewardship experts (scientists, First Nations and marine educators), for access to science support, field experience support, conservation project guidance, or all of the above.
October 27, 2020
3:00pm - Welcome and introductions
3:05 - Recognition of traditional territories and traditional ecological knowledge
3:10 - Introduction to SeaDoc Society, Junior SeaDoctors, and Explore the Salish Sea curriculum
3:15 - Curriculum overview and general format
3:25 - Website and unit walk-through
3:40 - Questions, thoughts, comments
4:00 - Time for additional Q & A
4:30 - Adjourn
SeaDoc Society’s Education Coordinator, Mira Lutz Castle, M.S., comes from fourteen years in K-12 Science teaching and NGSS-aligned curriculum-development in the Anacortes School District, four years of Biology and Environmental Science laboratory instruction and Public Education Program development for Western Washington University (WWU), two years of public education as an Interpretive Ranger for Washington State Parks, and thirteen years guiding naturalist kayak tours with AKT in the San Juan Islands.
A Viking at heart, Mira earned her Bachelor of Science in Biology with a Marine Emphasis, Teaching Certification, and Master of Science in Marine and Estuarine Science at WWU. She’s passionate about all things estuarine, an avid Scientific Diver and loves to play outside with her family from the snow caps to the white caps of the Salish Sea watershed.
We give thanks to Mitsubishi Corporation for their belief in our education goals and for their generosity in sponsoring five SeaDoc Workshops, including this one.
Meet Earth Day head-on with Salish Sea-based science and conservation for your students.
SeaDoc Society will present a free, 1+ hour introduction to tooling up to teach BC’s New Curriculum Science Standards using Salish Sea-based curriculum.
Workshop Goals
Learn how to implement standards-aligned, Salish Sea-based Science lessons by example from phenomenon to application of new information for ecosystem conservation
Break down barriers to teaching authentic Environmental Science, such as lack of expertise, time, and resources.
Build relationships with other homeschooling parents beginning Explore the Salish Sea lessons.
click here for joining the Zoom meeting at 3pm October 27th.
Contact mdlutz@ucdavis.edu with accessibility questions